The 2019 sPHENIX Co-Spokespersons electron closed on February 1st. Prof. Gunther Roland and Dave Morrison (BNL) were elected to served a second three-year term as sPHENIX cospokespersons with unanimous YES votes. sPHENIX is a new detector planned for the RHIC facility at BNL. sPHENIX will provide state-of-art capabilities for studies of the strongly interacting quark-gluon plasma using jet and heavy-flavor observables. The goal of sPHENIX is to understand the microscopic structure of the plasma and reveal how its strongly interacting nature arises from the underlying interactions of quarks and gluons described by quantum chromodynamics. We look forward to the first data-taking in 2022/23 under Prof. Roland’s leadership.
Many congratulations to Gunther!